Letters About Creativity
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150 / Fog
I feel stuck between two worlds. Thoughts on how to be comfortable when you’re lost.
• 3 minute read

136 / One Day You'll Be Ready Too
On finding the focus and commitment to write a book
• 2 minute read

128 / Creative Friends
You don’t have to look far to find inspiring musicians, painters and poets in your world.
• 1 minute read

125 / Silence The Influencers
Some notes on the challenge of finding your own voice in this noisy world
• 5 minute read

122 / Hibernation Contemplation
As the nights draw in, I’m learning the value of some intentional wintering.
• 3 minute read

121 / Goals vs Systems (Part II)
How I use systems to power my creative work and be productive and fulfilled.
• 5 minute read

114 / Ink and Inspiration
New drawings from my latest sketchbook and inspiring quotes from great artists to spark your creativity.
• 2 minute read

110 / New Shoots
On creative bereavement and new beginnings - plus some important announcements about this newsletter.
• 4 minute read

109 / What If The Opposite Is True? ↔️
This week, a very short letter with a big idea.
• Less than 1 minute read

105 / Noticing What You Notice
Trusting that something is interesting simply because you find it interesting…a radical act of self-love.
• 2 minute read

098 / March 26th, 2013
I realised there was something that I really wanted to do…and then carried on doing other things — for eight years!
• 3 minute read

097 / Portrait Of A Year
I drew myself every week for a year - and now I see myself transformed.
• 4 minute read

095 / Fill More Sketchbooks!
A new year is a perfect time to start a new daily sketchbook habit. Here’s some more advice on how to make it work.
• 5 minute read

092 / Another Story About The Universe
Big Magic is everywhere, if you know where to look. Plus a new film I’ve made is now out!
• 2 minute read

090 / Don't Make Work Out Of Things You Enjoy
Some thoughts on creativity and work, plus an important announcement about the future of this newsletter.
• 3 minute read

089 / The Professional Beginner
As we get older, it gets harder to be a beginner - but that is where the adventure lies!
• 2 minute read

084 / Birds And Words
Continuing a summer of guest letters, Jess shares a personal story from their career in the military.
• 4 minute read

082 / More Advice On Filling Sketchbooks
I’ve finished three sketchbooks and I have learned a lot about building a sketchbook habit. This letter’s full of practical advice!
• 3 minute read

081 / Do It On Purpose
Did I actually choose the life I’m living? Some thoughts on intentional living, with help from Dolly Parton.
• 1 minute read

079 / A Leap Into The Void
If making a piece of art is transformative for you, then it will be transformative for your audience.
• 2 minute read

072 / Maybe It Is Not What You Achieve, But Who You Inspire
Apparently seeing inside my sketchbook has inspired lots of you start drawing again - and that’s wonderful!
• 3 minute read

071 / The Lockdown Diaries
I’ve been keeping a visual journal during lockdown and I’ve learned to pay attention to the little things.
• 4 minute read

069 / What A Good Idea Feels Like
A good idea feels like a visitation and a chain reaction all at once!
• 3 minute read

068 / Perfecting The Theory
I’ve lost too much time trying to study the craft instead of just getting my hands dirty and making mistakes.
• 3 minute read

067 / The Sketchbook Problem
Sketchbooks are supposed to be a place for creative freedom. But rarely feel like that. A very long post with lots of pictures!
• 10 minute read

065 / You Don't Need To Make Art Today
Some thoughts from the first days of lockdown - should you be making art out of all this chaos? Don’t feel guilty if you can’t.
• 3 minute read

062 / Spirals
I’ve just finished my first sketchbook of the year! Here are some things I’ve learned.
• 3 minute read

060 / Stormy Weather
A short comic about weathering my own personal storms this month.
• 1 minute read

058 / A Kind of Aliveness I Live For
A crucial distinction for all artists - you don’t think in order to draw, you draw in order to think.
• 3 minute read

054 / Rock, Chalk and Ink
You share your advice on keeping a daily sketchbook practice and I try to do some simple drawing exercises.
• 3 minute read

053 / Fill Sketchbooks!
My plan for 2020 is to fill as many sketchbooks as I can, starting with filling pages of collage. Plus some advice on keeping a sketchbook.
• 3 minute read

050 / Ink and Card
I’ve just come up with an idea for an exciting project and I want to tell you all about it!
• 2 minute read

049 / A Story About The Universe
I believe that when you move towards your dreams, the universe will move with you. I see evidence of this everywhere.
• 4 minute read

046 / Residency
Artists residencies are a great way to find focus - but you don’t have to wait to be invited to one!
• 2 minute read

045 / Goals vs Systems
A radical rethink of how to achieve your goals, thanks to James Clear’s new book Atomic Habits
• 2 minute read

043 / Hobbies Update
I’m nervous about this letter - I’m letting you see my first attempts at drawing real life models.
• 3 minute read

042 / I'm Still Thinking About These Ideas
A collection of ideas, quotes and provocations which are still lingering in my brain weeks after I saw them.
• 6 minute read

034 / The Ever Moving Mountain
Why artists can never settle on a single idea - creativity wants expansion!
• 2 minute read

033 / As The Electromagnetic Pulse Ripped Through The City, He Saw It Was All For Nothing
When I’m not scared of losing my life’s work, I think about destroying it.
• 3 minute read

032 / Hobbies
How I have denied myself a hobby for most of my life - until this summer.
• 4 minute read

029 / The Time Orson Welles Met Hitler
Some must-watch interviews from a golden age of television.
• 4 minute read

028 / On The Thermodynamics of Creativity
An important message for artists - your work will not exist by itself!
• 3 minute read

024 / The Sacred Stage
Are you feeling creatively blocked? You might be thinking about your ideas all wrong.
• 4 minute read

020 / You're Weird
Exceed algorithmic description - make art the computer cannot categorise!
• 4 minute read

019 / Five Miscellaneous Things
There’s a lot in this one! Poetry, filmmaking, graphic novels and visual storytelling - take your pick!
• 6 minute read

017 / Practicing Scales
Some practical advice on how filmmakers can build a daily practice habit that improves their craft.
• 6 minute read

014 / Outsider's Luck
Do people who aren’t trying so hard have some kind of outsider’s advantage?
• 2 minute read

012 / Musical Interval
Playing around with loops and ossilations, I discover whale music inside a 95-year-old song.
• 3 minute read

010 / Building A Body Of Work
You’re not just publishing into a never ending stream, you’re building a library of work
• 3 minute read

008 / On Being Busy
Is busyness really a trap? Or is a sign of a life well-lived? Is creative energy a finite resource or something abundant?
• 4 minute read

006 / The Sleep Consultant
Robin Sloan asks a critical question for creators — what does it mean to love something on the internet today?
• 3 minute read

005 / The Screenplay Problem
The problem with screenwriting as a creative pursuit, and three ideas to fix it.
• 3 minute read

004 / It's Telling You What It Wants To Be
Thoughts on the creative process and letting the work tell you what it wants to be.
• 3 minute read