Letters About Elizabeth Gilbert

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127 / What Do You Actually Want?

It’s one of the hardest questions to answer. Here are some exercises to help you to figure it out!

108 / Fear Takes The Floor

This week’s letter is from a special guest writer

103 / Curiosity And Courage

A challenging question to begin your new year.

089 / The Professional Beginner

As we get older, it gets harder to be a beginner - but that is where the adventure lies!

080 / Hair!

Two very different approaches to facing your fears.

070 / Asterios Polyp

I break down the visual storytelling in this radical and fascinating graphic novel.

069 / What A Good Idea Feels Like

A good idea feels like a visitation and a chain reaction all at once!

049 / A Story About The Universe

I believe that when you move towards your dreams, the universe will move with you. I see evidence of this everywhere.

024 / The Sacred Stage

Are you feeling creatively blocked? You might be thinking about your ideas all wrong.

004 / It's Telling You What It Wants To Be

Thoughts on the creative process and letting the work tell you what it wants to be.