Letters About Habits

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139 / Daily Rituals

This creative routine works for me, it might work for you.

121 / Goals vs Systems (Part II)

How I use systems to power my creative work and be productive and fulfilled.

067 / The Sketchbook Problem

Sketchbooks are supposed to be a place for creative freedom. But rarely feel like that. A very long post with lots of pictures!

054 / Rock, Chalk and Ink

You share your advice on keeping a daily sketchbook practice and I try to do some simple drawing exercises.

046 / Residency

Artists residencies are a great way to find focus - but you don’t have to wait to be invited to one!

045 / Goals vs Systems

A radical rethink of how to achieve your goals, thanks to James Clear’s new book Atomic Habits

023 / A Vague Haze of Malaise

I’ve been feeling depressed lately and I wonder if it’s connected to how much time I make for myself to create.

017 / Practicing Scales

Some practical advice on how filmmakers can build a daily practice habit that improves their craft.