Welcome to The Third Something!

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Welcome to The Third Something, my newsletter about creativity, productivity and telling visual stories.

You’re joining hundreds of other artists, filmmakers, writers and students who want to make space for magic and creativity in their lives.

The tempo of this newsletter changes but right now, you can expect a carefully written email once a month.

⚠️ Be sure to label adamwestbrook@beehiiv.com as an approved sender in your email account.

Explore the archives

I’ve been writing The Third Something since 2018 and there are more than 140 old letters which trace the path of my creative journey.

Here are some of the letters I am most proud of:

💌 A Process For Figuring Out What You Actually Want
💌 How I Use Systems To Be More Creative & Productive
💌 An Urgent Message For All Artists
💌 Don’t Fight Your Fear: Work With It.
💌 16 Things I Know About Visual Storytelling

If you fancy, explore the archive and read my letters about the creative process, keeping a sketchbook, drawing, screenwriting, living intentionally and my journalism at The New York Times.

You can follow my progress as I write my debut graphic novel and relive my experimental zine publication Biteguard Fever Dreams.

The full library of tags is right here!

Some important technical bits

The permanent archive for The Third Something is on this website, but I use a service called Beehiiv to maintain the mailing list and send out the emails.

The only data I have access to is your email address and basic information such as how many of my letters you’ve opened. You can unsubscribe at any time using the button at the bottom of your email.

The Third Something has always been free and I intend to keep it that way. You can read my Artificial Intelligence declaration here.

Finally, if a letter strikes a chord, you can always hit reply to any email and let me know - I love hearing from readers!

Until another Sunday soon,

Adam’s signature