What Am I Doing Right Now?

Last updated on 21st July 2024

✏️ Art

I am writing and drawing my debut graphic novel, tentatitively titled Absolute Legend, To Be Fair. It’s a story about men, violence and vulnerability, set in contemporary London. Subscribe to my newsletter for more frequent updates.

After five years on Substack, I have moved my newsletter over to a new provider. Here’s a full explanation.

🎥 Work

It’s a busy year at The New York Times, with all that is going on in the world. Alongside politics coverage, I’ve spent the last couple of months on a special series of films about the absurdity of America’s death penalty, which is due to be published this summer.

I recently collaborated again with satirical journalist Jonathan Pie to react to the elections in the U.K. You can watch our video here.

You can keep up to date with all my New York Times work here!

🇮🇹 Life

And a cool side project this year: working to obtain my Italian citizenship, through my great-grandfather. It’s slow progress, but fingers crossed I will be able to make my official application this summer!

What's a now page? It's a place to tell you what I'm focused on right now! Based on a concept by Derek Sivers.