Most recent letters

090 / Don't Make Work Out Of Things You Enjoy
Some thoughts on creativity and work, plus an important announcement about the future of this newsletter.
• 3 minute read

089 / The Professional Beginner
As we get older, it gets harder to be a beginner - but that is where the adventure lies!
• 2 minute read

088 / This Is The Time To Be Slow
Some advice for artists who feel they should be more productive this year
• 1 minute read

087 / Psychoterratica
A joyful moment with sweat on my brow, my blistered hands caked in thick dirt, interacting with the earth in a meaningful way.
• 1 minute read

086 / To Stand A Little Apart From This Life Of Mine
Here are a few of my favourite newsletter writers I recommend following.
• 2 minute read

085 / Storytelling Panel By Panel
The third and final guest letter, with some useful advice on plotting out the panels of a comic.
• 4 minute read

084 / Birds And Words
Continuing a summer of guest letters, Jess shares a personal story from their career in the military.
• 4 minute read

083 / Get Better Faster
The first in a short series of guest letters from Third Something readers, sharing their own ideas about creativity and visual storytelling.
• 4 minute read

082 / More Advice On Filling Sketchbooks
I’ve finished three sketchbooks and I have learned a lot about building a sketchbook habit. This letter’s full of practical advice!
• 3 minute read

081 / Do It On Purpose
Did I actually choose the life I’m living? Some thoughts on intentional living, with help from Dolly Parton.
• 1 minute read

079 / A Leap Into The Void
If making a piece of art is transformative for you, then it will be transformative for your audience.
• 2 minute read

078 / Would You Like To Write A Letter?
If you have something to say about making art, telling visual stories and the creative process, I’d love to share my platform with you.
• 2 minute read